How to Upload Documents Inside a Vault?

Modified on: Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 at 12:51 PM

There are different ways to upload the documents in the Vault:

1. Using the Upload Button

Step 1: Click the '+' button on the top right of the screen, or right-click on any white space.

  • Select 'Upload Documents'

Upload Documents

Step 2: Select the location and click 'Upload to this location'.

  • You can save the file under any subcategory, or folder. 
  • Select the category and sub-category where you would like to save your document. The OCR will make some suggestions indicating where you should save the file. Like all IA, it will learn with time your saving patterns.
  • You can also choose to upload the documents to the Unfiled section by clicking on the button on the left-button corner.

Upload location

Step 3: Choose the Entity you want to assign this document to and click 'Start Upload'.

  • If you are uploading documents to the company folders by default the primary Entity will be selected.
  • If you have access to the private folders, you will be able to choose one Entity.

Step 4: A pop-up upload status will be displayed.

  • If the files are uploaded correctly a green checkmark will appear.

Upload status

  • If not a red notification mark will display an error message.

2. Using the right-click

Step 1: Right-click in any white space to bring the Upload button menu.

Step 2: Select the location and click 'Upload to this location'.

Step 3: Choose the Entity you want to assign this document to and click 'Start Upload'.

3. Dragging and Dropping in any subcategory or folder

Step 1: Go to the location you want to upload the documents.

  • Users can only upload documents into a subcategory or folder.
  • Files cannot be saved in the main root folder or category.

Step 2: Select the files and drag them into the document area.

  • The section will turn blue and indicate the number of documents been dropped.

Step 3: Drop the documents.

4. Using the Inbound Email

Your clients have a personal inbound email address that allows any user to send documents directly to the Vault. By default, Administrative users don't have access to this area, but if you do here are some steps about how to use it. 

Step 1: Copy and paste the inbound email in the 'To' section.

  • If you have manager access, you can find the inbound email address in the 'Unfiled Documents' tab. If not, you can ask your client or send us an email to support.
  • You can also request his information from the owner of the Vault. 

Step 2: Attach a document to the email and click send.

Info! The email needs to have a file attached to be able to be accepted for the Vault

Success! As a sender, you will receive a notification when the document is received.

NOTE: If you have access to this section, the first time a file is received from any email, you will need to recognize it as a trusted sender to be able to move it. Once you trust this sender, you will be able to file any document from this sender. To do this, just follow the next steps:

  • Step 1: Click on the email address. 
  • Step 2: A pop-up will ask you if you want to trust this sender. Click 'Yes (Trust)'.

To save one document just right-click on it and select the Action 'Move to My Documents'. Then, select the location and choose the Entity and click 'Move'. You can move multiple files to one location by selecting all the files you need, clicking on the Action button in the right-top area, and selecting 'Move to My Documents'.

5. Uploading directly to the 'Unfiled' Area

Step 1: If you have access to the Unfiled area, click on this tab.

Step 2: Choose one or multiple documents and drag them to the document section.

Step 3: Drop the documents.

  • The section will turn blue and indicate the number of documents been dropped.

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