Attention! Multi-tiered portal: add your team members as Administrators before you provide them with Trusted Advisors' access to other Vaults. Each portal can have their separate group of users, but can only exist in one at the time.
You can choose what role your team member will have, and provide or remove access to additional areas (Features) inside your portal. (Depending on the type of portal and features enabled on your system you will be able to see and manage these access items).
- An Administrator will have automatically access to all Vaults and company folders inside a Vault, will be able to create and manage other users, Vaults and Collaborators by default.
- A Representative can have limited access to specific Vaults and folders inside a Vault, and the must be assigned manually to Vaults. They can create and manage Collaborators inside the Vaults they have been assigned to.
On your User tab, you will be able to check the status of each user (Invite, Active or Inactive), their role and last login date. Click on the headers of each column to search, sort or add any filer.
To start Follow these steps:
- Step 1: Go to the main menu on the left, click on the 'Users' tab.
- Step 2: Click on 'Add New User'.
- Step 3: Choose the account type: Administrator or Representative.
- Step 4: Mandatory fields are first name, last name, and email.
- Step 5: If the type is Representative, then set their permissions and click on 'Create'
- Step 6: Click 'Create': The system will send an activation email to the new user.
Step 1: Go to the main menu on the left, click on the 'Users' tab.
Step 2: Click on 'Add New User'.
Step 3: Choose the account type for your Team: Administrator or Representative.
Administrators: Automatic access to all vault and folders, can create manually vaults and user and have access to other Management (Templates, Integrations, etc.) features.
Representative: can only see the vault they have been assigned to, can manage checklist and have access to other like Expiring Documents, In Review, Private Section if are giving permission.
Attention! The Global Trusted Collaborator' role option is only available in 2-Tier portals and these user are not part of your team, but you can manage their folder permission and vault access from here. See Global Trusted Advisor for more information.
Step 4: Add the information
- Add a picture
- Add the mandatory fields: First Name, Last Name and email
- Add title
- Manage the permission to some features: Documents In Review, Expiring Documents, Private Folders, Full Access to Corporate Vault , Template Management, Integrations, etc. Depending on the features enable in your portal more or less options will be displayed. Please note that some features are only available for Administrators.
- NOTE: Emails cannot be change after created.
Step 5: Defining Extra Access to Features
Depending on the portal configuration, Admins or Representatives can be granted additional access to specific features, enhancing their functionality and permissions within the system. Below some of the available access flags:
1. Permissions Exclusive to Admins
- Automatic Access to Corporate Vault: This permission grants automatic full access to all folders inside the Corporate Vault (CV), including the ability to view and manage its contents. However, they can't permission collaborators. [Available for 2-Tier when Corporate Vault feature is enabled and in 3-Tier only applicable for Head Office Users]
- Can Access Template Management:
- Folders and Templates: Allows Admins to manage new folders and folder templates for vaults under the tier they belong to. They can create and modify folder structures to ensure uniformity across vaults.
- Manage Quick Link Templates for Clients: This permission enables Admins to create, modify, and manage quick link templates, which clients can use to navigate through other systems more efficiently.
- Can Access Integrations Page: Admins with this permission can access the Integrations section within the admin portal. They can configure and manage any integrations enabled for the portal.
- Can Manage Client's Vault (Only for 3-Tier Portals): Admins can create vaults under specific Portals or assign vaults to clients within the system, allowing for more scalable management of vault structures.
- Can Manage Users under Sub-portals (Only for 3-Tier Portals): This permission allows Admins to manage sub-portals, which includes updates on the name and manage users.
2. Permissions Common to Admins and Representatives
- (For Reps) Can Active/Deactivate Vault: allows the representative to manually activate a vault, send the activation email, or remove client access by deactivating the vault. Admins by default can perform these actions.
- Can Access Documents In Review (If enabled) : This permission allows users to access a consolidated page within the admin portal where all documents marked as "In Review" across their portal can be viewed. It helps streamline document management processes.
- Can Access Expiring Documents (If enabled) : Users with this permission can view a consolidated tab containing all files marked with an expiration date. They can resolve any issues related to expiring documents and access the associated vaults.
- Can Access Private Folders (If enabled): This permission grants access to private folder structures inside a vault, which allows users to store files related to clients that are not intended for sharing with them.
- Can Access Dashboard (If enabled): This permission grants access to the Dashboard tab within the admin portal. Users can get an overview of total clients, documents, and actions. They can also automate reports from this section.
- Can Change Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Vaults: For vaults where MFA is enabled, users with this permission can disable MFA to allow end clients to regain access to their vaults.
- Show Contacts: This permission show the user contact information inside a vault under the Contacts tab in the User section.
Step 6: If the user type is Representative, then set their folder permissions and click on 'Create'
- Custom permission to the 'Company’s folders'. The folders you choose here will be applied to all the Vaults this user has been assigned to. If you don't see any folder, please create your folder structure first. You can give access up to a Level 2 folder.
Step 7: If the user type is Representative, after creation, you can choose to assign them to vaults.
- After creation the User will received the Activation Email so it's recommended to Assigned one or multiple vaults at this time, so their Clients/Vaults list doesn't look empty.
Info! If you don't assigned any vaults and the rep activate the account, their client list will be empty. Go to How to Assign a Representative to the Vault? for more information on how do the assignment after.
Step 8: Assign vaults.
- If you have multiple folder templates assigned to clients, ensure the Rep has the correct permission that match with the folder structure inside the vault you are assigning them.
- Choose the vaults and click Assign
After creation you can double click to access the user detail or right click and select 'See Details'.