What is a Vault?

Modified on: Tue, 8 Aug, 2023 at 1:54 PM

It is a cloud-only storage place where users can store files and share them with Collaborators. For security, files are not automatically synchronized to any computers or devices, which makes it ideal to avoid any information breach. 

A Vault can be provided by a specific company to their clients, or it can be created directly by FutureVault. Each Vault can have a different package that will determine the number of Entities, the types of folders and the storage. 

Types of Vaults:

Independent Vault

This Vault is set up directly with FutureVault and is not provided by any company. The user with this Vault will enjoy the predefined Personal & Business Taxonomy. The number of Entities and amount of storage will vary depending on the user's package. 

Essential Vault

This Vault is provided by a company and it can be branded. The user with this Vault will have predefined company folders, that have been designed by this company to cover the different types of business with the user. The number of Entities and amount of storage will vary depending on the user's package. 

Premium Vault

This Vault is provided by a company and it can be branded. The user with this Vault will have a combination of predefined company folders as well as the personal & business folders. The number of Entities and amount of storage will vary depending on the user's package.

Corporate Vault

An independent Vault created by default with the Corporation Entity and it's set for the company to store and share their company documents. By default, the Administrator of the portal will have full access to this Vault and have a direct tab in the main menu of their Administrative Portal.

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