How to add a Global Trusted Advisor?

Modified on: Thu, 9 Mar, 2023 at 3:30 PM

Info! Only available on Two-Tier portals

Let's say if you have the same insurance contact for 50 clients, you would need to manually create the Trusted Advisor contact 50 times for all the 50 clients and give permission 50 times with the standard TA feature.

However, with the new Global Trusted Advisor feature, as an administrative user (Admin or Rep) you will be able to create a Trusted Advisor to the company folders and be able to manage their permissions without accessing each client vault, directly from the Advisor Portal. As well, you will be able to assign multiple vaults to the same Trusted Advisor.

Only Administrative users will be able to add, edit or remove the permission of this "Global Trusted Advisor", for now, VaultHolder won't be able to provide extra access (Private folders).

Step-by-step guide:

Add a Global Trusted Advisor

Step 1: Go to the Users tab and click on 'Add New User+' on the top right

  • Explain the relevant actions to be performed

Step 2: Select Trusted Advisor under "Account Type" and populate the basic details

  • Enter the Account Type as Trusted Advisor
  • Fill in the Name, Email and Set Permissions
  • Click Save

Step 3: Send a Trusted Advisor Notification

  • If its the first time, the email is used in the system, then click on 'Send Trusted Advisor Notification'
  • An email will be sent to the TA's inbox from [email protected] to activate the vault
  • If you want to assigned the vaults before sending the invitation, or you are only editing the permission, click "Don't Send".

Step 4: Under Users tab, you can see the new Global Trusted Advisor created

Assign multiple clients to one or more Trusted Advisors

Step 1: Once global TA is created, choose the clients that you want to assign, go to 'Actions' and click 'Assign Trusted Advisor'

Step 2: You can choose to assign one or more global Trusted Advisor and click 'Assign' to complete the action

Resend Email Activation

If you didn't sent the activation email before, or you need to resend it. Go to the User tab, right click on the user and select "Send Activation Email"

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