File Upload Request Type

Modified on: Fri, 12 Jul, 2024 at 10:53 AM

This feature will help you gather documents from external users or even clients and keep everything organize inside a vault. 

Types of File Upload Request Links:

Generic File Upload Link:

  • Purpose: Ideal for gathering a broad range of documents without specifying exact files.
  • Usage: Include in your email signature, on your website for general document collection, or for collecting documents from prospects.
  • Management: Folder will have a visual identification and and aggregated requests appear under the ‘Shared’ tab. 
  • Delivery: Copy the link and paste it into your email, website, or form.

Specific File Upload Request:

  • Purpose: Allows you to specify exactly which documents you need and from whom.
  • Usage: Suitable for precise document requests, such as specific client documentation.
  • Management: Folder will have a visual identification and and aggregated requests appear under the ‘Shared’ tab.
  • Delivery: Send the email using the system or copy the link and pasted in your email.
  • Notice: Only the email added on the field: Who are you requesting these document(s) from?  will be able to access this link

Managing Upload Requests: All upload requests, both Generic and Specific, can be managed under the ‘Shared’ tab in the left main menu.

Creating a Specific File Upload Link

  1. Step 1: In the Vault, choose the folder for document collection, right-click, and select 'File Upload Request'. Then select the File Upload Request Type: 'Specific File Request' or 'Generic Link for File Upload'.
  2. Step 2: Fill out the information accordingly, setting expiration dates. Optionally, secure the request with a password.
  3. Step 3: Share the customized link with recipients via email or your preferred communication channel.


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