Different Use Cases for File Upload Request Links

Modified on: Fri, 12 Jul, 2024 at 10:53 AM

The File Upload Request feature offers versatile solutions for securely gathering documents. This guide explores practical use cases for both Generic and Specific File Upload Links, helping you streamline your document collection process.

Generic File Upload Link Use Cases

Website Integration

Purpose: Collect a wide range of documents from clients or partners.

Details: Place a Generic File Upload Link on your website, allowing users to upload various documents securely.

Email Signature

Purpose: Facilitate easy document submission.

Details: Include the link in your email signature, enabling recipients to upload necessary documents conveniently.


Purpose: Impress potential clients by providing a secure document submission process.

Details: Send a quick and easily accessible link to prospects, allowing them to share critical documents securely.

Client Onboarding

Purpose: Simplify the collection of initial documentation.

Details: Use the link to gather broad, non-specific documents required for new client onboarding.

Annual Financial Reviews

Purpose: Collect updated financial documents for annual reviews.

Details: Send clients a link ahead of their review meetings to gather the latest financial statements and tax returns.

Tax Preparation

Purpose: Assist clients with tax preparation.

Details: Provide a link for clients to submit tax-related documents, such as W-2s and 1099s.

Estate Planning

Purpose: Collect important estate planning documents.

Details: Use the link to gather wills, trust documents, and beneficiary designations.

Specific File Upload Request Use Cases

Client Onboarding

Purpose: Request specific documents required for new client onboarding.

Details: Specify exactly which documents are needed, such as identification and financial records.

Project Collaboration

Purpose: Gather precise files needed for a project.

Details: Specify exact documents required from team members or collaborators.

Regulatory Compliance

Purpose: Ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Details: Collect mandated documents from clients or partners, such as KYC and AML documents.

Tax Documentation

Purpose: Request specific tax-related documents.

Details: Gather Receipts, Taxes forms (W-2 forms, 1099s, T4, T5) and other relevant tax documents.

Investment Portfolio Updates

Purpose: Collect updated investment information.

Details: Request the latest statements for specific investments and accounts.

Estate Planning Updates

Purpose: Gather precise documents for estate planning revisions.

Details: Request updated wills, trust documents, and beneficiary designations.

Loan Applications

Purpose: Assist clients with loan applications.

Details: Collect required documents such as income verification and property documents.

Insurance Policy Management

Purpose: Request specific insurance-related documents.

Details: Gather policy documents, claims information, and beneficiary details.

Financial Planning

Purpose: Collect documents for tailored financial planning.

Details: Request specific documents like budgets and debt information.

Charitable Giving Records

Purpose: Document charitable contributions accurately.

Details: Request receipts and documentation for specific charitable contributions.

Legal Document Updates

Purpose: Request updates to legal documents.

Details: Gather updated contracts and agreements.

Audit Preparation

Purpose: Gather specific documents required for audits.

Details: Collect financial statements, receipts, and compliance records.

Client Communication

Purpose: Collect specific documents during client interactions.

Details: Include a specific file upload link in communications to request necessary documents.

Transaction Documentation

Purpose: Request documents related to specific transactions.

Details: Gather necessary documents for particular transactions like purchase agreements and transfer records.

Performance Review

Purpose: Collect documents for performance evaluation.

Details: Request specific investment performance reports and client feedback forms.

Compliance Certification

Purpose: Ensure compliance with industry standards.

Details: Request certification documents and regulatory filings.

Managing Upload Requests

Shared Tab: All upload requests, both Generic and Specific, can be conveniently managed under the ‘Shared’ tab in the main menu.

Folder Levels: Upload File Links can be created for Level 2 or deeper Company folders, not for parent (Level 1) Company folders.

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