Managing Collaborators in the Corporate Vault

Modified on: Fri, 12 Jul, 2024 at 2:55 PM

To manage collaborators in a Corporate Vault, you must log in with the corporate vault credentials or have Manager access.

Navigate to the Contact Tab to see All your users (team members) and add or manage other collaborators.

Managing Team member access

All your users (team members) will be automatically added to the vault. Edit their permissions to manage which folders and entities they should have access to.  

If you provided default access to the Corporate Vault while creating an admin user, you won’t be able to change that permission within the Corporate Vault. To change this:

  • Log in as an Admin.
  • Go to the User Tab.
  • Edit Permissions: Remove the flag 'Can access Corporate Vault' to modify the permissions.
  • Login back as the Corporate Vault or Manager to modify the permission.

Add other Collaborators: 

To add other collaborators, manage vendors, taxes, audits, etc., go to the Contacts tab.

Step 1: Add the Contact.

Step 2: Select the Permissions.

  • General Permissions:

    • Manage Unfiled: Grant access to documents and emails sent to the Vault's email address.
    • View Contacts: Allow viewing and adding contacts without permitting external parties to access the vault. They cannot create other collaborators.
    • Manage Reminders: Create and manage standalone reminders and reminders linked to documents.
    • View Only: View files without the ability to make changes or edit information.
    • Unlimited Access (Manager): Grant full access to all folders and areas. (A 'Manager' tag will be assigned to this contact.)
  • Entity Permissions

    • Select the entities this collaborator should be able to see.
  • Folder Permissions

    • Select the specific folders this collaborator should have access to. 
    • If you give access to a parent folder, the person will automatically see all folders and documents inside that are tagged to the entity you provided access to.
    • Click on the document icon to see the documents inside the folder to confirm the correct access. 
    • The dot color next to the files and folders needs to match the entity permission above.
  • Setting Expiration Date

    • Permissions will be automatically removed on the expiration date. An email will be sent to the contact, informing them that they no longer have access.

Step3: Click Save and send Email Invitation.

  • If you are just modifying the permission and the contact is already active you can skip the email invitation.

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